Hot chocolate, pretzels, marshmallows, wrapping paper and boxes towered feet high; that’s what you would have seen in the cafeteria during the History Honors Society wrapping party. After school, the café was filled with teens getting their volunteering hours while having fun and helping the community. Hundreds of gifts were being wrapped for the children at the Astor Home. Many of the children residing there were not fortunate enough to get gifts from parents or family. The wrapping party exists as a fun activity that helps provide for those who do not have the same as others. If only you could see their faces when they opened the gifts donated by the John Jay Student Body and teachers. Gifts ranged from giant teddy bears to Pokémon cards and comfy clothes, each specially wrapped by students for a great cause. It was really amazing to see how the John Jay community came together to make this happen. I cannot wait until next year to do it again! By Chelsea Co.
Benzoic acid, nicotine, glycerol, propylene, plus added ‘flavors’ for effect. Sometimes extra ‘flavors’ are added, such as marijuana or just some more nicotine for an extra buzz. These are some of the ingredients that can be found in a Juul pod from JUUL Labs. There are many alternatives to smoking in the world. One of these alternatives being the Juul, which is distributed by JUUL Labs. According to JUUL Labs, “JUUL is for adult smokers seeking a satisfying alternative to cigarettes”. Juuls are temperature controlling e-cigs that the user “plugs in” a pod for use. These pods are simply called Juul pods and contain a long list of chemical ingredients some of which are previously stated. JUUL Labs and PAX Labs are two of the major manufacturing companies for this type of item. Both have similar types of items aimed for adult smokers, but their devices can easily fall into the hands of teens and even children. You must be eighteen to purchase tobacco products in the United States...